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AK/Coburg Recordings
International Draeseke Society/NA
Box 104
Sand Lake, NY 12153


Order AK/Coburg™ Recordings

AK/Coburg is devoted to bringing the music of Felix Draeseke and Joachim Raff to the public. All AK Coburg productions are characterized by state-of-the-art digital recording techniques, virtuoso instrumentalists, unique repertoire, complete with scholarly notes in both English and in German. AK/Coburg recordings, and the International Draeseke Society/NA, have been featured in Fanfare and other classical music magazines.

Recordings may be purchased directly from AK Coburg at $16.98 per compact disc (plus shipping and handling). Note: IDG and IDS/NA Members may order CDs at the special price of $12.50 per disc.

Ordering information: unfortunately we are not presently accepting credit-card purchases. On-line order forms are available in three formats: HTM, MS Word DOC, and PDF). Please send an order form and a check or money order to (please make checks payable to the International Draeseke Society):

 International Draeseke Society
 AK Coburg Recordings
 Box 104
 Sand Lake , NY 12153 (USA)

Use this link to contact us by e-mail

These fine recordings are also available from Records International, Toll free order line in the US: (888) 804-5515 [12:00-18:00 MST]; toll free fax: (877) 527-7129; outside of the US: +1.520.299-5801; Fax: +1.520.299-5845;e-mail: sales@recordsinternational.com. Records International accepts credit cards for purchases at their secure website. Note: Some older AK/Coburg recordings may not appear in the Records International searchable database but they do stock all of our recordings (US$ 16.98 plus shipping); simply indicate the AK/Coburg item number on your order with them.

AK/Coburg CDs are also available in Germany, with world-wide delivery service, by Internet order from jpc - your global music player. jpc also accepts credit cards for purchases and orders by e-mail: order@jpc.de