Felix Draeseke: Centennial Concerts in Dresden 1935

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The year 1935 marked the centennial of the birth of Felix Draeseke on 7 October 1835. The center of activity was in Coburg where many concerts and events were held in October 1935 and are documented in the Ebert collection; centennial events were also held in Rodach.

Ticket for a performance of Draeseke's Christus.A week of festival concerts from 16 to 24 November in Dresden also marked the occasion: Felix Draeseke-Feier-Woche 1935. Concerts included performances of the Overture to the Opera Gudrun, the Piano Concerto in E-flat, op 36 (Johannes Strauss, soloist), and the Symphony nr. 2 in F, op.25 (1876) with the Dresden Staatskapelle conducted by Peter Raabe (Raabe had been named President of the Reichsmusikkammer earlier that year) on 17 November 1935. Performances of three of the four parts of Christus were held over two evenings conducted by Karl Maria Pembaur (20 November 1935) and Paul van Kempen (24 November 1935).

A symphonic concert included performances of the Jubel-ouvertüre, op.65 and the Symphony nr. 3 in C op 49 "Symphonia Tragica" (1885-6) with the Staatskapelle Dresden conducted by its music director Karl Böhm on 22 November 1935.

There was also an evening of Draeseke's chamber music performed on 19 November.

An announcement of the concerts is reproduced below; copies of concert programs, reviews, and details of events are available on the Ebert Archive pages.

Felix Draeseke Feier Woche (1935) - Click for full size version in a new window.
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